My research interests include agricultural economics, experimental economics, and development economics; with a focus on developing countries.
Below you can find links to my publications, posters, and presentations, as well as the most recent versions of my papers in progress. Unless noted, links provided correspond to articles in English.
Journal Articles
Boyd, Chris M. and Jaime Ramos (2025) “Own My Own: Boosting Financial Literacy among Disadvantaged Youth in Peru.” Accepted for publication at the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics [WP in Spanish]
Gitter, Seth, Chris M. Boyd and Raissa Abbassi (2024) “Undergraduate Applied Microeconomic Research with the Demographic Health Survey.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources. [Link]
Boyd, Chris M. and Sando Diez-Amigo (2023) “Effectiveness of Free Financial Education Provided by For-Profit Financial Institutions: Experimental Evidence from Rural Peru.” Economics of Education Review, 97(102462): 1-21. [Link] [Article]
Boyd, Chris M. (2023) “Rainfall, Mothers’ Time Use, and Child Nutrition: Evidence from Rural Uganda.” Population & Environment, 45(17). [Link] [Article]
Boyd, Chris M. and Marc F. Bellemare (2022) “Why Not Insure Prices? Experimental Evidence from Peru.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 202: 580-631. [Link] [Article]
Boyd, Chris M. and Marc F. Bellemare (2020) “The Microeconomics of Agricultural Price Risk.” Annual Review of Resource Economics, 12(1): 149-169. [Link] [Article]
Boyd, Chris M. (2014) “Decisiones de inserción laboral: el caso de los jóvenes rurales peruanos.” Economia, 37(74): 9-40. [Abstract] [Article in Spanish]
Work in Progress
Agamile, Peter and Boyd, Chris M. “Rainfall Shocks and Intra-Annual Food Insecurity in Uganda: Insights from a High-Frequency Phone Survey”
“Unexpected Consequences of Graduating from the National Childcare Program (Cuna Más)” with Norma Correa, Angelo Cozzubo, and José María Rentería
“Minimum School-Age Requirements and its Impact on Child Health“ with José María Rentería
“Urgent Yet Ineffective? The Welfare Impacts of a Potato Price Support in Peru” [Job Market Paper]
“Food Prices and Domestic Violence in Urban Peru” [Poster]
Vásquez, Tania and Boyd, Chris M. “Internal Migration and Social Stratification in Peru”. [Book Manuscript in Spanish]
“Unpacking Side-Selling: Experimental Evidence from Coffee Farmers in Chiapas, Mexico” with Stephen Pitts and Grant Storer
Book Chapters
Boyd, Chris M. and Cristina Chiarella (2022). “Seguridad Alimentaria, Diversificación de Cultivos y de Actividades Económicas en Zonas Agroindustriales de la Costa Peruana“. In: Dammert, J.L., C. Trivelli and A. Diez Hurtado (editors). “Perú: el problema agrario en debate. SEPIA XIX”. Lima: Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria. [Chapter in Spanish]
Boyd, Chris, Tania Vásquez, and Johanna Yancari (2021) “Migración Interna y Desarrollo Humano en el Perú post COVID-19”. In: Clausen, J. and J. Iguiñiz (editors) “Covid-19 y Desarrollo Humano en América Latina”. Lima: IDHAL-PUCP. [Chapter in Spanish]
Ramos, Jaime and Chris Boyd (2018) “#PorMiCuenta: Experiencia de una plataforma de e-learning de educación financiera para jóvenes”. In: Rojas, C. et al. (editors) “Communication Policy Research Latin America, Volume 12”. Information and Communications Research Network. [Chapter in Spanish]
Boyd, Chris and Ursula Aldana (2018) “Impactos de la educación financiera para los más pobres. Evidencia de la evaluación de impacto del Programa Piloto ‘Promoción del Ahorro en Familias Juntos’”. In: Villada, I. et al. (editors) “Proyecto Capital Perú: evidencia e incidencia para transitar de una idea política a una política pública”. Lima: IEP, Proyecto Capital. [Chapter in Spanish]
Boyd, Chris (2016) “Peru – Impacts of Financial Education for Conditional Cash Transfer Beneficiaries in Peru”. In: Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP (2016) “Proceedings from the Fourth International Conference on National Evaluation Capacities”. New York: UNDP. [Chapter]
Trivelli, Carolina and Chris Boyd (2014) “Inclusión financiera y mujeres rurales, una muestra de que es posible”. In: Orihuela, J. and J. Távara (editors) (2014) “Pensamiento económico y cambio social: homenaje a Javier Iguiñiz”. Lima: PUCP. [Chapter in Spanish]
Boyd, Chris (2014) “Hijas, madres y abuelas (Perú)”. In: Asensio, R. and C. Trivelli (editors) (2014) “La revolución silenciosa. Mujeres rurales jóvenes y sistemas de género en América Latina”. Lima: IEP, IFAD. [WP version in Spanish]
Papers in Working Papers Series
Boyd, Chris (2019). “Trayectorias de las mujeres jóvenes en el Perú rural. Reflexiones para las políticas públicas y el Desarrollo Rural a partir de los censos de población (1961-2017)”. Documento de Trabajo IEP N°254, Serie Estudios sobre Desarrollo, 30. Documento de Trabajo RIMISP N°245. Lima: IEP; RIMISP. [WP in Spanish] [Poster]
Boyd, Chris and Jose María Rentería (2018). “Economía del cuidado, desigualdades de género y participación en el mercado laboral: el caso de Cuna Más”. Lima: IEP, CIES. [Abstract] [Final Report in Spanish]
Boyd, Chris (2015) “Microseguros formales y esquemas de protección informal: Un estudio de caso en la costa peruana”. Documento de Trabajo 211. Serie Economía 03.01.02/E, 55. Lima: IEP, CIES. [WP in Spanish]
Policy and Research Briefs
Boyd, C. (2017). “EnBreve 64: Atención y atracción de ahorristas. Aprendizajes desde dos experiencias de inclusión financiera y promoción del ahorro en el Valle Sagrado de Cusco”. Lima: IEP, Capital Project. [Brief in Spanish]
Boyd, C. (2016). “InShort 62: Implementation and Coverage of Financial Education within the framework of a Business Model. The Case of the Ahorro para Todos Project”. Lima: IEP, Capital Project. [Brief]
Boyd, C. and U. Aldana (2015) “The Impact of Financial Education on Conditional Cash Transfer Beneficiaries in Peru” In: Veras, F. and C. Robino “Social Protection, Entrepreneurship and Labour Market Activation” Policy in Focus Volume 12, Issue No.2. IPC-UNDP. pp. 26-27. [Brief]
Boyd, C. (2014) “In Short 50: Financial Education, Fulfillment of Conditionalities. Evidence from the evaluation of the Pilot Program 'Promotion of Savings in JUNTOS Families in Peru'”. Lima: IEP, Capital Project. [Brief]
Boyd, C. (2014) “In Short 48: Changes in financial behavior through a financial education pilot program in Peru. Evidence from the evaluation of the Pilot Program 'Promotion of Savings in JUNTOS Families'”. Lima: IEP, Capital Project. [Brief]
Boyd, C. (2013) “Transformation of Young Rural Women in Peru. A Comparative Analysis from National Census (1961-2007)“. Nuevas trenzas Informs, 10. Lima: IEP, Nuevas Trenzas. [Brief]
Research blog posts
Boyd, C. M. (2021) “IHGIS Research Example: Fertilizer Use from Agricultural Census Data“. Use It For Good - IPUMS Blog. [Blog post]
In the media
Diario Gestión - October 19, 2018 - On Childcare and Female Labor [Newspaper article-Spanish]
Diario Gestión - November 28, 2016 - On Internal Migration [Newspaper article-Spanish]
Radio Programas del Perú - October 15, 2013 - Interview for Rural Women’s Day
TV Perú - June 27, 2013 - Interview on Young Rural Women
Diario El Comercio - June 23, 2013 - On Young Rural Women [Newspaper article-Spanish]